I arrived to a nice sunny site and was able to walk around in a t-shirt, it was very quiet though, only one other car in the car park. The first birds I saw were 2 of these cute little ducklings:
Mallard Chick
One of the workers from the yacht club said there were 5 of them the day before, I suppose they stand out being yellow and are probably easy prey. I started to walk around the F2 reservoir as the Red-necked Grebe was reported to be in the SW corner - typical, the furthest possible point from the car park.... A female Mallard was swimming around with her ducklings, she had 12 in total! The ducklings were of a decent size so hopefully they will all survive.
Mallard & Chicks
There were quite a few Great Crested Grebes, I reckon there must have been 40 of them, they were looking resplendent in their bright summer colours, a number of pairs were starting their weed dance but they none did more than dabble.
Great Crested Grebe
Great Crested Grebe
I spent about half an hour in the SW corner and checked Great Crested Grebe after another but was unable to locate the Red-necked Grebe - typical...
I decided to head down to the Pinkhill hide to see if any waders were about, shouldn't have bothered though as some twat(s) have burnt it down, really pisses me off to see this, I went to two reserves last year where this had happened.
I then walked down to have a look at the fields were the Barn Owls can be seen hunting during the day although I never expected to see them at this time of year but one can hope. There were no Barn Owls though. I thought I'd head back to the car and check the F1 reservoir for the Red-necked Grebe on the way back. I bumped into another birder who had seen the Grebe - in the SW corner...! I couldn't believe it... He showed me it through his telescope, I could see it was close to the opposite site and couldn't resist tabbing back round to see if I could get some photos.
The tab back round was worth it as I got some amazing views, I must have taken about 200 photos of him. He was up and down the south side of the reservoir so kept me on my toes. Before I left the Grebe was up and down collect fish.
Red-necked Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
I couldn't stay forever so finally upped and left and was lucky enough to see my first Swallow of the year when one flew over my head but then turned and headed back over farmland. A bit further round another 2 Swallows flew over and out over the water and another 3 about 200m further round.
Last bird was a handsome Pied Wagtail.
Pied Wagtail
I do like visiting Farmoor, for an inland site it has some great birds stop over, a Firecrest had been reported earlier that day and an Avocet was reported as arriving later in the day.